What is TekAccess?
TekAccess is the software that allows you to access your livestock's health information from anywhere in the world, as long as there is an internet connection. TekAccess is fully internet based to include the data on the livestock.
How do I use TekAccess?
After the installation of the TekVet Health Monitoring System at your facility, we will provide you with your own custom link that allows you to access your livestock information. You will need access to the Internet to use TekAccess. Once you click on the link, using your Internet web browser, TekAccess automatically loads on your computer and the information regarding your livestock displays on TekAccess.
The main window shown above is divided into four smaller windows. The upper left window, called the Needing Attention window (shown below) is your early warning window for Livestock well being This is the window that will first indicate that there is a sick animal based on the temperature level that you or your attending veterinarian will select as the appropriate alarm level.
When a row is selected in the Needing Attention window, a graph is generated that shows the historical temperature readings for this particular animal. This graph is generated in a window titled Real-Time Charting (shown below). The real-time charting provides you a unique look at the condition of an animal. With it, you can easily spot health trends that allow you to make management decisions on how to treat, or if necessary, pull the animal for treatment. The graph has live data that is providing updates automatically as long as a row is selected.
After you have identified and treated an animal, you would normally want to continue to watch and observe this animal to see if the treatment is effective. The lower left window, titled Under Observation, allows you to do this.
Not all animals respond to treatment. Using the Under Observation allows you to continue to monitor an animal's progress. If the animal does not show improvement, you will need to make a management decision on wither to perform additional treatment or process the animal before it becomes a chronic; ultimately a realizer. Selecting a row on the Under Observation window also generates a graph in the Real-Time Charting window for the selected animal.
The lower right window is the Log window. The log allows you to write notes on specific animals regarding condition and treatment. This log becomes a permanent record assigned to a specific animal. When you select a row in the Needing Attention or Under Observation windows, the log record for the selection is automatically displayed in the Log window.